🌟 Big News! We’re Building a New Community Space! 🌟


🌟 Big News! We’re Building a New Community Space! 🌟

Hey, everyone! Hope you are doing well and on track. We’re thrilled to announce that we’re launching a second website on Mighty Networks—a dynamic, interactive space designed to bring our community together in new and meaningful ways. This platform will offer courses, webinars, Q&A sessions, membership opportunities, challenges, chat, exclusive events, livestreams, and a variety of themed discussion spaces.

Our goal is to create an engaging and supportive environment where you can explore and deepen your practice in areas like qigong, breathwork, Neidan, yoga, and the Jyotish Star Map (Vedic astrology for energy medicine). Whether you're a beginner or an advanced practitioner, this space will provide resources, conversations, and guidance tailored to your journey.

If you're looking for a place to learn, connect, and grow, this new platform is for you! Stay tuned for launch details and be among the first to join this transformative community. We can’t wait to welcome you! 🚀

Any questions, suggestions or comments—or to keep up-to-date—just send a note via the Contact page. Or, you can click View Post above and then add a comment at the bottom of the resulting page—but remember that it will then be public.

Here’s to good practice and good results. Yeah.


Remedies for 2025

Remedies for 2025

simple and effective remedies for all of 2025

1.1 overview of 2025 and the terrain ahead

Hello folks. Happy New Year—may it be a pleasant, healthy and successful year for you. Time for a new approach to harmonizing the planetary forces. Why? The planets change positions over time so each year they bring new opportunities and new challenges. Last year was a mouthful so good to be done with that. What do you get in lieu? This year will provide you with variety.

The challenges of the past several years have centered upon interactions between Jupiter and Saturn. That time is now over. These two all-stars still figure into the picture prominently but their bickering and boxing matches with each other take a back seat—finally—to other dynamics. So, treat the coming year as a learning experience. Nolens volens (literally, unwilling or willing), it’s what you’ve got.

Some of the tools learned from previous years will still float and bring solid gains but others will not. You need to upgrade your skillset to stay on top. This echoes a common theme descending upon the whole planet—”pivot or die.” This catchy phrase specifically addresses the rampant explosion of AI-driven services and products. You need to join in that frenzy or drown in the aftermath of a mass exodus toward anything—and everything which sports an “AI spoken here” label.

1.2 opportunities and challenges — practical and spiritual

Planets—and all heavenly bodies—affect both house and sign. Here, we discuss the signs since these are deeper effects. In particular, they relate to the spiritual journey much more than the houses. Why? The signs relate to stars and a higher, more universal vibration. This is what a spiritual seeker wants. In contrast, the houses are all about “my, me and mine.” They represent personal goals and events—certainly important but not much related to advancing along the mystical way.

So, do check out the specifics of how the year’s patterns affect YOU (check the house positions) but you should definitely also understand the underlying spiritual themes or else you’re just floating along on the river like flotsam and jetsam—without a clear direction and map of the hazards and short-cuts, you’re just playing the lottery again.

1.3 qigong, yoga and Energy medicine as remedies for the planets

If you have read some of the other pages on this website, you probably understand that a relation exists between the signs (rashis) and the meridians. Since advanced yoga systems aim for enlightenment—and nothing much less—it only stands to reason that one should use their tools to craft remedies for the planets and stars. How’s that? Getting help from others—a priest, a puja—or offering cash or seva (service) as the remedy does work to some extent. But, even if it resolves the concern completely you are left with a hand out and not a hand up.

The spiritual journey leads up to the clouds and even beyond. You don’t get there unless you pay the price. Which is? Effort—and the right effort. Worldly effort, however noble, begets worldly results: you don’t change much. The only way to reach Light necessarily has to be through following Its rules and using Its tool. Here, you have a truth constantly emphasized by the great masters of all ages—you must hang your hat on meditation (mental transformation) and pranayama (physical transformation). The mind and heart will not change enough if you try any other path.

No one is asking you to leave your life and circumstances, whatever they may be. Light is simply asking you to lend a hand for the benefit of all beings on this planet: part of your daily activities needs to include meditation and pranayama (or some other energy practice; but pranayama is best, at least to get under way). How much time you can invest will change over time. Even if it’s ten minutes to begin with: If that’s what’s possible then kick off the show there. This IS what the maharishis and great ones do ask of you. Everything else you do towards growth is fine. Just make sure to include the true tools for spiritual fulfilment and your guides and teachers will be pleased.

1.4 specific qigong and yoga remedies for 2025

That’s the backdrop for what you’re facing. Here’re some solutions that really help—even for beginners. If you need some coaching to lay the foundations, by all means, go for it. Find yourself a yoga instructor or alternative medicine practitioner or spiritual teacher. Learn a few skills and then get to work. You don’t need to know a lot but you do need to be diligent and practice earnestly and consistently. Changes will then come, for sure. It’s a promise.

1.4.1 the saturn show — more fireworks than you can shake a stick at

At a worldly level, the first part of April may get a little unsettled. Follow through on what might need to be done but keep coming back to the true meaning of this time. Remember there are two shows running all the time—the worldly story and a spiritual story. You play your part in the world but give thought and heart to what the spiritual story shares with you. This strategy brings you the greatest happiness without question. And, why? Because, as you know, Spirit is deeper and more powerful and more lasting than any worldly event or story.

Want to read more? Just click on the posting title. That will take you to the original article which include the remedies and chart for the year.

Jailbreak! Surya rises from the ashes.

Jailbreak! Surya rises from the ashes.

Hey Folks!

Once in a blue moon something really good happens. Now’s that time. Of course, if you’re the plod along and live life on the surface type of person, you might not be noticing much—just the day-to-day ups and downs. But deep down underneath all the drivel of ordinary experience something extraordinary just happened: resurrection for the Sun god, Surya (in Hindu myth you might consider Surya as the equivalent of Shiva or Rama … or some folks just like Surya as Surya; take your pick). Any way you slice it, this means that a deeper current of spiritual energy has shifted from “lost in space” to a much more workable “hey there; interested in the upper realms?” So, now’s your chance to cash in big time.

Vedic astrology (classical Indian or Hindu astrology) varies a bit from western-style astrology but the general idea rings the same however you view the event. Let’s use the Vedic model: back on April 13 of this year, the sun entered Mesha (Aries) to mark its traditional descent into the physical planes of existence and departure from the spiritual realms—its real home and natural abode.

Remember the Greek myth about Persephone? She was the daughter of Zeus, king of the gods, but was abducted by Hades, king of the underworld. This didn’t bode well for the world but Demeter, mother of Persephone, managed to wrangle out something of a compromise. In the end, Persephone spent (and still spends) part of the year in the hell realms (correspondingly, life shrivels up during this wintry and more desolate time of year) and part of the year back on earth with mom and the gang (hooray goes the planet and the crops and flowers and life all blossom and thrive again).

Up again, down again. Here you have it. The Greek story relates to physical reality and the seasons. The Vedic myth also relates to a yearly cycle but one much subtler than what you can see with your ordinary eyes: you need inner vision (clairvoyance or psychic abilities) to spot the action. Even if you haven’t got that far in your esoteric journey yet, you can still benefit from the knowledge freely shared to ordinary mortals by the sages (and extraterrestrials) of yesteryear.

Officially, the sun rises out of the dirt when it enters Vrishchika (Scorpio) on November 15 this year. However, that is the physical plane. One level up, you find the etheric plane. At this level, the sun gets out of jail free once it enters the nakshatra of Vishakha. This happens about 10 days before the physical plane event each year. It’s a subtle shift but the further you go in your spiritual evolution, the more this transition becomes noticeable … and eventually, monumental. Why monumental?

For those in the know, the sun—that is, Suryastands tall as the master teacher (guru) of all beings in this solar system. This includes not only your friendly earthlings but also any and all other interstellar visitors and guests. You can think of it this way: you have a human spiritual mentor or guide (lama, Rinpoche, shaman, what have you); your teacher has a teacher; and yes, this teacher’s teacher has a teacher and on all the way up to Surya. The journey continues way past our own solar system but there’s more than a lifetime of vittles on anybody’s plate just to embody what a human guru encourages. Nevertheless, as the saying goes: aim for the stars … or what are the heavens for?

Now’s you chance. How long does the fair wind last? It ambles up and down a bit over the next six months but you decidedly have great, good fortune now for many months. The party officially ends when the sun exits Pisces to enter Aries again on April 14, 2025. And the deeper, true end of the supernal blessings comes ten days later as the sun reaches its exaltation point. (Exaltation from a worldly vantage, maybe; but a sojourn in the dark away from the spiritual realms is NOT a blessing however you cut it.) Ah, Persephone in action. Remember, life plays the game at multiple levels: physical, etheric and even higher levels. You should too!

Some Good News — for a Change

Some Good News — for a Change

Hello Everyone!

Has it been a hoot or what? The craziness seems out of control even if you ignore it. Well, well. What’s a good-intentioned and spiritually-oriented person to do? What do YOU think? Some great material here for reflection. Maybe, 10 - 15 minute sessions for a few days over the next week. Really! The idea centers on bringing your heart-energy and focus onto the present stream of world consciousness (or, lack thereof).

When you tune into this vibe, the earth (Mother Earth, Gaia, our very alive and caring foundation) will open doors (portals) to higher spaces for you to explore. With such choice access to upstairs, you may well link up with like-minded beings (they do exist and zip about, even down here in the mud and gloom). If not, at the least, you can profitably go sailing or snow boarding or surfing or trekking along the riotous energy streams now pulsing and swirling easily within arms reach of any able meditator. For real, you’ve got the windows scrubbed clean and a view into the upper realms that sparkles and shines nonstop.

So, this is your homework. Recommended, of course. You can do what you like—since you will anyway. Just put yourself between Mother Earth and Father Heaven and feel deeply that you belong: you link the two realms. That’s your job so gracefully accept it and listen for what your teachers and the inner plane have to share with you. A lot of opportunity for the next few months!

Here’s the view from Neidan Yoga and team: in Hindu thought, agni (fire) represents a specific frequency band of prana (qi, lung, quantum-level energy). The two main players in our solar system related to agni, Surya (the Sun) and Mangala (Mars), have finally strolled back out of the doghouse and into a much richer, more vibrant and wildly more powerful field of possibilities. In Vedic astrology they’ve arrived into Vrishchika (Scorpio) and this bodes well for all those sitting on the good side of the fence.

Now, Scorpio is tricky business but essentially stands for the astral realm (the next world or level up from material life here on earth). Because of such a certain correspondence, this rashi (sign) can manifest as chronic situations that resist change. Or, the sign can usher in true, deep and lasting changes. Two very different outcomes. How do you decide? Either can happen. Sometimes both strut their stuff and manifest. Scorpio can be mysterious, hidden and seemingly unknowable. Yet, as with all celestial energies, you cast a significant, if not deciding, vote on how the cards play out.

The takeaway message? Alternative perspectives, especially those linked to health or a more holistic view, blossom and flourish for the next couple of months—especially through mid-December. After that, the energies dive even deeper into the cosmic fabric so access opens to yet more eventful possibilities. The key though lies with you: center your focus on third chakra themes—health, power, creativity, self-actualization, enterprise. These all relate to agni (the element of fire in Vedic astrology) and enjoy extra oomph and dynamic capacity now: you get something of a free ride. But only if you jump onboard with the right positive attitude and wholesome focus. Hoorah for the welcome change!

Jupiter and Saturn Transit the Heavens — Deep Energy for Meditation

Jupiter and Saturn Transit the Heavens — Deep Energy for Meditation

Hello Everyone. Happy holidays! May the coming year be a pleasant, healthy and successful time of spiritual growth and unfoldment for you. The time is right for great success in your spiritual practices. Why? Jupiter and Saturn have always, and will always, remain the key architects of world destiny. And seeing as you are part of this world at the moment, they tug at your strings of fortune too.

In Vedic astrology (Jyotish), these two planets act as the outer bounds of the melodrama of life. That is, the main way Jyotish understands all the comings and goings, both high and low, on this earth depends upon a cast of nine characters—some villainous, some charming and good, some a bit questionable but usually okay. Called grahas (literally, those that seize or grasp) in Sanskrit, these solar system bedfellows include planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn); the Sun and Moon; and two mathematical points (Rahu, Ketu) related to the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.

So, outer planets such as Uranus and Neptune and many other more distant celestial bodies get short shrift in this way of thinking. But the hoary Jyotish model does just fine without them. Here, Jupiter and Saturn stand tall as the outermost planets. What does this mean? You might imagine that the further one goes out from the earth and away from the sun, the more cosmic it all becomes. You would be right. Relative to the earth, Mercury and Venus putter along as inner planets (these represent familiar themes of daily life such as making a living and being happy). All other planets are outer. They also have unique and relevant meanings but gradually become more distant and difficult to understand or control.

Thus, the furthermost planets provide access to the most potent spiritual energies. The two key players that figure prominently, Jupiter and Saturn, cover the waterfront: they define all the possible manifestations of Shakti (in Hinduism, the Divine goddess that represents spiritual energy). Jupiter holds the keys to all good, happy and wholesome outcomes. And, yes, you guessed it: Saturn is the tough gal or guy who beats up all that cross its path (whether they deserve it or not).

Saturn - called Shani in Vedic astrology and Hindu culture - notorious as a planet with difficult and trying energies - however, every planet has multiple sides to it including Shani: he represents good things too such as: the harvest (early autumn = a time to tease out the useful), practical business skills and serious spiritual practices.

Now you might think that Jupiter is good and Saturn is bad and that’s that. But actually, the two work together and at times even connive a bit to conjure up all the happenings in this world. If you know anything about sales and marketing, you will be familiar with the idea of “good guy - bad guy.” The concept means that two persons work together to make a sale (or achieve some goal) by acting as if they are opponents so the unknowing consumer buddies up with the good guy and together they agree what a terrible person the bad guy is. And, of course, the good guy closes the sale and then later splits the profits with the bad guy. Meanwhile, the customer thinks she or he has done her (his) civic duty but fighting for justice and the Light. Hoo boy.

This happens all the time with Jupiter and Saturn but the picture mostly painted for you by astrologers, thinkers and religions simplifies the lot to an easy equation: it’s good or it’s bad. This is black and white thinking: what you did as a six-year-old kid. But, hey, now you’re a grownup and know better. Maybe. Yet from a deeper spiritual (quantum-level and beyond) perspective, these childlike planetary antics continue in fine fashion and with no one caring to blow the whistle. The Sun, a star, reigns in this region of spacetime and could police the two outer planets but does not. In Jyotish, he wears two hats: one as a planet (more like a fellow juvenile delinquent who abides and even abets the pastimes of the other planets) and one as a star (the soul and a portal to much of what is noble and good beyond this world’s trying drama of yes and no).

To summarize: Jupiter and especially Saturn will transit (travel) through a region of the zodiac which deeply connects to advanced (and accessible) levels of consciousness for a couple of years now. Jupiter (called Guru, in Jyotish) has been in Pisces since mid-April this year and has now turned direct (travels forward in a normal and helpful way). It will grace Pisces until the latter part of April next year. All true yoga systems understand that levels of coherence (consciousness or information) pepper this universe. The highest such level for earthlings (what they should be striving for) corresponds to the Andromeda galaxy in Pisces. The planet Jupiter owns (is the caretaker or lord of) this constellation so here you have buckets of blessings and celestial pixie dust raining gently down upon your head and life. A very important and fairly rare (once every 12 years) chance for support from the higher realms.

Saturn, in contrast, being Saturn (slow, ponderous), will start its journey through the most highly charged spiritual region of the zodiac in the middle of this coming January (a month away) when it enters Aquarius. It made a brief cameo appearance there for a few months in late spring this year but starting in January 2023, it will gradually move through Aquarius and then Pisces (together the most spiritual place in the zodiac) without driving backwards and out of this spiritual hot spot. How much time will Shani (the Jyotish name for Saturn) linger in these two constellations? Shani takes two years to get through a constellation so you can count on four years.

Each year it does drive in reverse for a handful of months but on net the ringed planet moves inexorably forward. It first reaches Pisces at the end of March in 2025. And, likewise, it first enters Aries (leaves Pisces) at the start of June 2027. It will reenter Pisces for a short time (four months) starting in October of that year but after that Shani will be gone from the spiritual highlands for quite a long time (not for another 20 years).

So, now’s a great time for serious spiritual practice (Saturn likes serious and sober awareness—you don’t have to become drab and a social pauper but, at least, spruce up your spiritual act and make some focused, steady and determined effort to improve your awareness of more subtle energies. If you can, and do so, the higher realms will share some special and profoundly useful insights with you. Your life will become more of a blessing both for you and those around you (Shani will like that as he favors the common folk).



Hello folks. Happy New Year—may it be a pleasant, healthy and successful year for you. After the travails of 2020 and 2021, you may be wondering “what’s next?” with not just a little concern, or even trepidation. However, be assured that the worst of the cataclysmic impacts from above have now begun to settle down and 2022 bodes well, if we keep a few key ideas in mind and act accordingly throughout the year. First: Jupiter and Saturn remain the key players and will continue to have the major say as they orchestrate all comings and goings for both worldly and spiritual life.

Aquarius (Kumbha in Jyotish) is the 11th house of the natural zodiac. In turn, the natural zodiac represents the deeper, spiritual-level view of the planets and stars (“God’s eye view”). At a worldly level, 11th house energies bring in friends, societies and groups, income of all sorts (financial and other life experiences). At a spiritual level, this corner of the ecliptic represents the Guru’s teachings and is a mother lode for insight and understanding. Metaphorically, Kumbha stands as the foot-hills (the gates or portal) to Pisces (Meena), the next house in the sequence of constellations and the place of Spirit (with a capital S) and enlightenment. Thus, you can rely on Jupiter (good luck, expansion, great healing) in Aquarius (foothills leading to Spirit) to function as a major, major blessing on the road to true spiritual awakening. Jupiter, here, of course, is fine for worldly gains too.

Second: the last couple of years were tough for everyone because Saturn was at odds—and often in outright fisticuffs—with many of the other major planets, such as Ketu, Jupiter and Mars. This year, in contrast, Jupiter has moved to Kumbha (Aquarius) so any short-term altercations happening between Saturn and other planets—all happening in Shani-dev’s own part of town in Makara (Capricorn)—will be mitigated due to Jupiter’s grace and power. Aquarius holds forth as the 11th house of the natural zodiac which bodes well for the acquisition of spiritual knowledge as well as gains both financially and personally.

Hence, although there will be some short-term bumps in the road on occasion this year, you can count on the two big biggies (Jupiter and Saturn) to cast a more even-keeled and favorable glance upon the planet and its lively inhabitants. We are fortunate that their teaching lessons from the last two years are now history. Hopefully, many of us have learned some valuable lessons which we can apply going forward into the next handful of years. Hoorah for “school’s out!”

Third: the best strategy for working with the current nexus of astral energy, however, still centers upon cultivating and incorporating a few (2-3) of Saturn’s better attributes into your own personal daily routine. Set a goal to make these qualities a part of your lifestyle. Just read on the web about Saturn and focus on the good qualities you find, such as: patience, care for the underprivileged (ALL the elderly, poor, disenfranchised, social outcasts, defeated and fallen peoples of the world). Other of his better characteristics that are worthy of emulation include: karma yoga (service for others because it’s the right thing to do), steadiness, focus, practicality, as well as being law-abiding, realistic, organized, disciplined and consistent. Lots to choose from, huh? There are even more positive traits you can research and discover, if these don’t sate your appetite.

Fourth: And finally, if you want to include energy (prana, qi, lung) as part of your remedial measures for the year, you can simply use the procedure described below for the year 2020. It still applies in full force and will be even more effective this year. Just click this link, What to Do?, which takes you to a section that spins out a straight-forward 5-10 minute routine to rub three points on the body (on both sides).

Because these acupoints are linked to Saturn (who, stationed in his own sign of Makara, feels more at home and wields many of his most positive qualities this year) and Guru (Jupiter, the great healer), this protocol still wholly applies for 2022. These two primeval forces are no longer conjunct but they remain closely linked so the 2020 protocol is apt and on the mark (Jupiter is in Aquarius [a sign of Saturn] until mid-April and then, very auspiciously, it moves into its own sign of Pisces for the rest of the year). Here you are: a wholesome remedy that works. Try it for a month and see for yourself.

Agni Rocks! Time to make your move.

Agni Rocks! Time to make your move.

Happy Springtime, Everyone!

In Jyotish and yoga, five great streams of energy—called the tattvas (or, subtle elements)—underscore all the to-ings and fro-ings of life and the universe. Agni (or, fire) represents the power in nature to initiate, sustain and achieve a goal. It stands for raw energy and vitality—what gives you that get up and go!

Three planets in Jyotish provide the means for agni to manifest: Surya (Sun), Mangala (Mars) and Ketu (south node of the Moon). Of these, both Surya and Mangala have just shifted house to a far, far better location. Surya-dev, the royal patron of all beings in this part of the cosmos, trundled across a mighty chasm of turbulence (known as a gandanta) to set up court in Mesha (Aries). Here, it is exalted. What’s that mean? A whole lot. Like what? Here you go:

For the next four weeks, Surya is exalted (as good as it gets) in Mesha and so acts in the best ways possible. Health, luck, dignity and practical wisdom all increase during this time. Since, Surya also represents the over soul for all beings in our part of the celestial firmament, his blessings and bounty get shared with all. So, soak it up and make the best of this time. What you initiate now has especial power and righteousness and can lead to greater fortune and wisdom for you and those in your family and community.

Sounds good? But wait … there’s more: Mangala just crossed the axis related to another gandanta (between Vrishchika and Dhanu) and plopped himself nicely into Mithuna. While Mangala and Mithuna’s lord, Budha (Mercury), are not the best of friends (in fact, they hate each other most days of the week), several very constructive aspects help to swing this around to an incontestably positive event.

First, by stepping out of Vrishabha (Taurus) and moving on, Mars broke the kala sarpa yoga that has been plaguing everyone for the last several months. This postures as truly good news, for the slanted playing table (in favor of chaos and choices leading to bad or poor ends) has been rectified and we all now get a balanced share of Light to counter the darker influences in this world. Whew! Welcome relief and excellent timing, indeed.

Second, Mangala is the karaka (main significator) of the third house (initiative, path in life, taking up and applying the tools needed to get the job done) in any chart. Because Mithuna is the third house of the natural zodiac (chart with Mesha as the lagna [first house]) then the karaka for everybody’s third house is in the third house of God Himself (or Herself). This follows since the natural zodiac is God’s view of this world system. Hence, the earth and its inhabitants receive the grace and empowerment and divine guidance that only a karaka can bestow. In effect, a karaka is an ordinary graha but given special dispensation from the heavens to perform some special tasks. Therefore, within its prescribed purview, a karaka acts as a hand of the deepest spiritual dimensions.

In Hindu myth, religion, as well as in Jyotish, the word, Agni (with a capital letter a), stands for a Vedic deity that was one of the top honchos among all the gods and goddesses. All the Vedic rituals and prayers were only effective when performed with him in mind. In this way, the community along with its creatures and nearby lands, all received his blessings and auspicious endowments. You can think of this ancient deity (at least several thousand years old) as the reified (abstracted) form of agni (fire).

To sum up: Agni (the great lord behind the scenes) now showers protection and favor down upon all earthly beings through the portals of his messengers (manifestations), Surya and Mangala. While both these grahas exist and act in their own right, they are fundamentally part of a greater power and wisdom, the tattva called agni or more affectionately (and usefully) known as Agni. It’s akin to our solar system belonging to the Milky Way galaxy. Or, a galaxy belonging to a super-galaxy. Like it or not—COVID or no COVID—you are now officially in the money. Enjoy! And, spend it wisely as best you can. You deserve the good turn.

How long do the festivities last? This high-wire magic of especially good fortune buzzes on for a month but will provide a pleasant afterglow for a few more weeks up until the beginning of June. Remember, what you initiate now counts. The context (heavenly support) that reigns when you plant seeds has a lot to do with their overall fruition (or lack thereof). Just as a farmer doesn’t plant his main crop late in autumn when winter wakes and icily storms forth … just as a canny stock market trader times when she sells and buys shares … so too, you would benefit neatly by going with the flow of nature—making prudent decisions and taking affirmative steps toward your goals now.

Neidan Yoga and Friends in High Places

Neidan Yoga and Friends in High Places

Yoga for Enlightenment

Ever wonder how to win the lottery? Thoughtful question. And, as you know, plenty of creative ideas abound. What’s this got to do with yoga, meditation and spiritual growth? Plenty. Too much, in fact. It turns out that the chances of achieving enlightenment as defined in the yogic traditions (Hindu, Tibetan Buddhist, Daoist) makes winning several hundred million dollars (or yuan or euros or what have you) in the lottery seem like a peaceful stroll through the park—nothing more taxing than going out for a walk and collecting on all the goodies: sunshine, fresh air, blue skies, good friends, good sights and sounds. In contrast, the slog to advanced awareness reeks and finds itself littered with perils, loopholes and impossible tasks. Good luck, getting enlightened!

So, then, how do all those yogis and mystics get so evolved and spiritually aware? The short answer is: they don’t. Compared to where you sit, they’re advanced, for sure. But compared to the benchmark of enlightenment, very few meet the mark. Most progress some distance and then fall by the wayside—either by choice—getting distracted by the endless attractions that drape this cosmos—or by coercion—running out of steam, meeting evil ends and, worst of all, lapsing into ignorance—outright folly or the epitome of hubris: thinking that they’ve arrived at the top.

Still, it’s possible. Some few great souls do achieve the immense presence and purity of truly awakened consciousness. And, to these great souls, we should all listen.

Jyotish Star Map

Here's the winning hand: we humans are not alone in this solar system, much less this galaxy or universe. In fact, the best, scientifically rigorous model for nature asserts—and proves—that our universe is but a small drop in a titanic effervescence of universes—a vast web of universes within universes within even more universes, and on and on—what is called a multiverse.

Vrishchika - the gateway to occult knowledge and experience; a stormy place for all but the hardiest psychic travelers; not the best of destinations for spiritual tourists and day-trippers but a definite port of call for serious and diligent seekers…

Vrishchika - the gateway to occult knowledge and experience; a stormy place for all but the hardiest psychic travelers; not the best of destinations for spiritual tourists and day-trippers but a definite port of call for serious and diligent seekers of Light.

Now some of these other interstellar beings that we share this neck of the celestial woods with, are—very fortunately for us—earth-friendly. Over the aeons, at times, they have darted through this planetary system on their way to who knows where. But shards of ancient wisdom from all cultures still attest to their bygone sojourns amidst our fledgling human kind. The most marvelous—and useful—advanced knowledge about the structure of spacetime and this reality, gradually inveigled its way into the star maps of yore.

Once the acme of primeval wisdom, these antediluvian models have gradually fallen into disrepute under the burden of an ever-increasingly abstracted, yet successful, scientific paradigm. In short, astrology—the astronomy and secret mystical knowledge of the past—now has few safe harbors outside of traditional cultures, fringe movements, the occasional maverick thinker and, of course, many of the lost and misguided—human flotsam struggling to remain afloat and make sense of life.

Yoga for the Jyotish Star Map

The past may be gone and forgotten but it’s not a total washout. Especially in Jyotish (Vedic astrology), one finds evidence—not only of higher dimensions and their workings—but of a robust and workable model to navigate this universe and connect through to other universes in the multiverse. In the Hindu tradition, they call these other universes the higher lokas (or planes of existence). These are the dimensions (in modern parlance, one would say “other universes”) where the rishis (very advanced spiritual masters) reside. Sounds like a somewhat muffled and cryptic reference to higher extraterrestrial civilizations? You would be right, if you said yes.

So, the gist of Neidan Yoga lies here: tease out the best strands of the great traditional yoga streams, combine them with relevant modern knowledge and shape this numinous dough in accord with Jyotish. Braiding together all these strands, you gain health and success—not only for spiritual pursuits but for any and all worldly concerns as well. Not bad for a day’s work, eh? All this, thanks to the insights shared by our spacetime ET buddies long ago … and our own very diligent efforts.

Just Take the First Step

Just follow your heart and natural good sense.

Is it really possible to do this? Yes. What's most important for anyone—whether high or low—is that she or he follows nature (called the Dao in Daoism). The two most practical ways to do this are to follow your heart in all that you do and to understand what you value most in life—what your short-term and long-term goals are. It may be nice to cultivate inner essence as a first priority but if a person's karma (fate) shows otherwise, then this gal or guy should be trimming the sails to accord with what the Dao (Spirit or Nature) is trying to teach her or him. It may be service, it may be having a good time, it may be cultivating essence as top dog. Who knows? It depends upon you and who you associate with ... and ... your karma.

So, enough with the theory, the rest of the pages to be developed and posted in this section on Sadhana are entirely about practice—the spiritual practice of yoga—and how to succeed at it. For further information about many of the concepts that are discussed here, you can check out the other pages on this website. They broadly explain the spiritual path and its variegated constituents, which together, sire a mighty living force (prana, lung, qi) to empower and enable you. Or, just check the web. The information is endless … what’s lacking is precise and sensible step-by-step instructions from start to finish. That’s where Neidan Yoga comes in: the details that work and enough information for you to get on with it and succeed.

Hold on to your hats! Here we go.

Sinking Qi and Expanding Qi — the Start of Real Practice

Sinking Qi and Expanding Qi — the Start of Real Practice

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to summertime. I hope you are safe and doing well amidst all the commotion being dished up by the earth, society and the heavens. It will all pass … to the better. So, please hang in there. Together, we can all make a positive difference.

To mark the turning of the seasons, we have posted another segment on the Sādhana (spiritual practice) pages. Titled, Integration 1 - Connect to the Earth.” You can click on this link or the title of this post just above to get to the full details which include pictures and a fabulous quote from the Zhuangzi, an ancient Chinese Daoist text. The article also introduces you to the TWO FUNDAMENTAL qigong practices that must be incorporated into any style of spiritual work if there is to be a hope for genuine and lasting progress. This is a bold statement but true.

All spiritual paths have their own versions of these two practices. It’s just that the Daoists have clarified them the best and once you understand their perspective—and some modern physics—it all makes sense. You can do a web search but essentially you are a TORUS (energy field). Now, this has special properties, which correlate cleanly to time-honored spiritual practices.

As a thumbnail sketch: a torus is like a sphere which has energy coursing out from it but also back and down the center—very similar to the central channel in a human. So, if you learn to facilitate this flow pattern and pump up the sphere’s field you get the beginnings of a portal to higher dimensions.

Thousands and thousands of years ago, the sages were basically doing just this. The two key Daoist practices related to this first stage of enhancing the torus energy field are called: Sinking Qi (the flow of energy through the torus runs from way above [heaven] to way below [earth] the sphere) and Expanding Qi (in Chinese, it’s called Peng) which relates to sending qi OUT from the central core in ALL directions. This nicely matches strengthening the sphere itself.

And there you have it. The essence of REAL spiritual practice—something that WILL take you to the next level. Have a good time reading the web page and researching the whole topic further … and then happy practicing! Esoterically, this summer and on into next year is STILL a GREAT TIME for spiritual progress. Despite all the gremlins and goblins, LIGHT still abounds in this world. You just need to catch the scent and go with it. You can!

A planned series of online webinars and classes will introduce the basics of Vedic astrology and their related qigong remedies for health, success and spiritual growth. The topics covered will be ground-breaking as they weave together a marvelous tapestry of yoga, energy medicine and Jyotish. The presentations are slated to begin later this summer. Dates and details to be posted soon. Spread the word!

P.S. If you like this post, do tell others about these web pages or share a link on social media. You can do your part to help to get the word out—we are more than puppets and lackeys of bad karma and a difficult world—we are spiritual beams of truth and goodness and have the tools to make it so. Thanks. Happy summer!

Energy Medicine 1 — Start with the METAL Element (Lung and Large Intestine Meridians)

Energy Medicine 1 — Start with the METAL Element (Lung and Large Intestine Meridians)

Hi Everyone,

Happy winter solstice! At this time, the earth is tilted in such a way relative to the sun that the northern hemisphere gets minimal light (so, it’s winter) and the southern hemisphere gets maximum light (so, it’s summer down under). For those of us living north of the equator, it appears that the sun has reached its maximum southern movement in the sky and now will begin travelling back north towards the equator and later towards latitudes even further north.

This is why in Hindu tradition (India is mostly north of the equator), one of the holiest days of the year, called Makar Sankranti (the day when the sun enters the sign of Capricorn) basically corresponds to this moment. The actual date this year is January 15. The offset from the winter solstice (Dec 21) is due to different systems of calculation. Another term used for this auspicious time is Uttarayana (uttara = north and ayana = movement). So, Lord Surya (the sun god) brings blessings to those living in northern latitudes, which means most of the people on the earth.

In Vedic astrology (Jyotish), the sun refers to the soul and its more noble qualities. So, this is a great time to take action and start something of value to you. In Jyotish, WHEN you start a new task makes a real difference. The idea is that you want to catch the elemental forces when they are working in your favor (catch the breeze blowing in your direction). ANY task you start now will have support and blessings. If you choose something related to personal and spiritual development, the blessing is even greater since Lord Surya represents the soul and therefore casts a friendly eye upon those who remember their own soul and who seek to support the material and spiritual welfare of all.

In line with this, I have posted a new section for the Neidan Yoga pages about how to take some practical first steps with spiritual qigong. These ideas are also useful for helping you cultivate whatever you are seeking most at this time. You can use these tools to help manifest your goals in a wholesome and harmonious way. So, they’re worth checking out for just about any aim you may have. Here’s the link: Energy Medicine - Start with the Metal Element.

Happy new year to you. May it bring prosperity, happiness and health for all!

Autumn is in the Air! Well ... almost.

Autumn is in the Air! Well ... almost.

The first hints of a break from the relentless heat and damp of summer have quietly arrived with a few mornings, over the last week or two, championing moderate temperatures garnered with pleasant breezes. More, please!

And, of course, more will be on the way in the weeks ahead but, these days, autumn doesn’t really set in fully until the very end of October. So, why is “autumn in the air?” A good question. And one with a really interesting answer: in Chinese Medicine (CM), health consists of a harmonious balance between what are known as the Three Treasures. You might think of a favorite brand of car: a really hopped-up and fun car would certainly look snazzy on the outside but would purr on the inside too.

Health in CM takes a similar approach: from the outside, a person should look cheerful—with a sparkle in her or his eye. The shape should be well-proportioned with color in the face and a lively gait. Just seeing such a person—even in passing—can bring a smile to your face. Why? Health is contagious and we all know what it feels like to be healthy and what a healthy person looks like. So, seeing someone who is obviously bubbling with vitality and interest in life will naturally spark a similar feeling in most folks.

This is the first of the Three Treasures, jing (rhymes with sing). In Chinese Medicine, jing designates the body along with its many regulatory substances such as hormones, peptides and the neuroendocrine system. The other two treasures are qi (physiology, electricity and biophysical energy) and shen (mind, a person’s character, and, if you subscribe to the notion: a person’s higher self [or soul]). These two important aspects will be discussed in later postings. For now, it’s important to realize that not only do the Three Treasures have to be intact and functioning well—both individually and as a team—they also all have to being playing ball with the seasons and the flow of nature’s other cycles.

Autumn may not quite be here temperature-wise but the earth really takes little note of this and continues on its merry way around the sun. In fact, the autumn equinox (Sep 23) marks its transition into the quarter of space around the sun which corresponds to autumn (in the northern hemisphere). So, on the surface-level, just like jing, the days will lazily meander their way to milder temperatures and more appealing days, but, on the inside-level, just like qi and shen, the earth and sun are starting their autumn-time housekeeping. That is, although what you see and feel still feels hot—and it is—what is starting to happen at a more subtle biophysical level (called energy or qi) is autumn-time.

So, we have arrived at autumn in terms of energy and spirit. And autumn, in terms of physical qualities like temperature, is dawdling but will catch up with the plot soon enough. What’s the point? Simply this: from October on you can strengthen not only your health and attitude but also your luck, success and relationships by aligning with the autumnal energies. In CM, autumn relates to the Metal element which in turn is comprised of the Lung and Large Intestine meridians. So, qigong or acupuncture or feng shui aimed to bolster these factors will succeed now better than any other time of the year.

We will continue the discussion in the next blog posting but for now you can check out the qigong videos posted on this website (choose About then Videos from the menu; or, you can click the title of this blog post to navigate to our related Oriental Medicine website). If you are willing to invest a little time, you can also use the themes related to the season and its meridians for self-reflection. This can work really well and effect truly positive changes. Just do a web search and then set up a regular time to consider and study what these ideas mean to you, how they play out in your life and how you want them to manifest in the future. For instance, the Metal element refers to (among many other things) a time for harvest and clarification; it also represents a time for grounding and taking sensible action. Happy autumn-time!

The Maelstrom Breaks!

The Maelstrom Breaks!

Whew. And if ever there were a time to say “whew,” this is it. Whether you were aware of the uncanny battle of the titans taking place in the heavens or not, the last handful of weeks has been a force unto itself and not to be denied.

What’s happening? ALL FOUR of the great tamasic grahas (planets tending to pull one toward chaos and darkness) have been in a rare close encounters of the worst kind. Each of these grahas: Shani (Saturn), Mangala (Mars), Rahu (north node of the moon) and Ketu (south node of the moon), has a powerful opinion about the nature of experience in the house where it resides. For instance, Shani in ninth house, or the natural ninth rashi of Dhanu (Sagittarius), can slam down on all good luck and put a hefty damper on one’s incentive to live a decent and moral life (all characteristics of the ninth house and Dhanu). It’s like this for each of these dark forces. Put a bunch of rats in a tiny cage and what do you get? Right. You’ve got the idea.

Well, at the peak of the melee, these four sinister figures had company—and quite a lot too. Seven of the nine planets were involved with the Rahu - Ketu axis (the two nodes are always 180 degrees apart) in Dhanu and Mithuna (Gemini). This means some of the good gals and guys were being heavily influenced by an amazing conglomeration of disruptive and unwholesome forces. Surya (Sun), Chandra (moon) and Budha (Mercury) were all party to the deeply disturbing potentials.

The general rule in Jyotish is that if FOUR grahas are in the same bhava (house) then all bets are off and there will be TOO MANY VOICES and OPINIONS for a person to work with. One planet says go, another one says stop and on and on. Now imagine what it’s like with SEVEN planets all linked in a tight space with not much wiggle room. Even at the best of times and with the best of company such a situation would be awkward to the max and likely lead to no good for one and all.

So, the upshot here is that you (and all of us) have just been through the ringer—whether you know it or not. So? The “so what” is that if you haven’t noticed anything much unusual in some areas of your life over the last couple months, then you WILL in the coming months for sure. Why? Astral seeds have been planted via this amazing conflagration of archetypes up in the sky and such seeds will sprout and manifest. Since the fireworks have NOT YET completely abated (some of the cast of villains are still at work) these seeds will likely find root and show up sometime before the end of the year when, mercifully, the melodrama abates, and the two greatest of this gang of thugs, Shani (Saturn) and Ketu (the south node of the moon) go their separate ways again.

Therefore, as they say, hang loose. Now, as always, is a good time to be saying your mantras and prayers. Meditation and body-oriented practices such as yoga, qigong and internal martial arts (taiji quan, bagua zhang, xingyi quan, baji quan) are the order of the day. Get realistic help too and work with some grounded healers, coaches and guides. You can do it. If not now, when?

The Heavens Open ... Thunder and All

The Heavens Open ... Thunder and All

Every once in a great while (18 and a half years to be precise) a special gift gets bestowed from the heavens to those of us still rambling around down here on the earth (physical plane). You might wonder: what does this mean and what does it portend? Good questions!

In Vedic astrology (Jyotish) the moon’s north and south nodes have entered specially blessed waters in the celestial sea of starry wonder. Called Rahu and Ketu, respectively, in Jyotish, these two archetypes typically bode challenges and detours on the path to Light. But for the next year and a half (until Sep 2020) their locations in the zodiac bring in some higher vibrations to help offset this mischievous pairs normally corrupt and devious antics.

In fact, the added harmonics are so positive that these archetypes are now “exalted” (a term that signifies their potential for aiding great personal and spiritual progress). So, get it while the getting’s good! Now’s the time to plan and start or continue working on projects that reflect your deepest, most sincere and ethical beliefs. This reflects Ketu in Dhanu (the constellation, Sagittarius). It’s also a fine time to explore the cobwebs of your life and heart and tease out what does and doesn’t work. This reflects Rahu in Mithuna (the constellation, Gemini).

Just to add a note of sobriety to all the festivities: you should know that there are also some highly charged energies active on and off for the rest of this year. They will bring in a chaotic factor that can color all activities. This tendency to destabilize both personal and global events means that—at least up through this November—you should walk with your eyes on the stars (goals, hopes, inner development) but both feet planted firmly on the ground the whole time (keep it practical, hug a tree, get second advice, work with earth energies, monitor and measure your progress, and keep checking in with your spiritual guides and teachers). This stormy potential should mostly pass by the start of next year and is no excuse for you not to take advantage of such a rare and wonderful opportunity for personal and inner development. Take a yoga class. Learn qigong. Expand your horizons. Now’s the time.

Interested in Health? Here are Some Tips

Interested in Health? Here are Some Tips

Hello Folks.

Seasons greetings and a prosperous and pleasant new year for you!

Health is one of the most precious gifts we can enjoy and share in life. Here are some gentle reminders about what helps lead to—and maintain—good health for a lifetime:

  1. DIET - yes, the obvious but an important and in fact, key, component of health. Aim for moderation, MOST of the time. An occasional extra piece of pie or other yummy dessert is fine. Just toe the line most of the time. Remember the basics and you will already be far ahead of the game: avoid the bad stuff (fats, sugars, refined foods, processed foods) and go for the good gals and guys (veggies, a moderate amount of complex carbohydrates, sufficient protein each day, plenty of water and fluids).

  2. EXERCISE - there are so very many opportunities to get out and about that even if you just walk or bike you will be doing well; find some activities that focus on these three areas: cardiovascular health (something that makes you huff and puff a bit), strength (core strength as well as arm and leg strength) and flexibility (try a yoga, tai chi or other movement class). A routine at a gym is good but make sure to have a fitness specialist work with you to develop a rounded program.

  3. HAPPINESS - this seems obvious but actually can be a challenge, at times, for folks in the hasty, breathless and nonstop hustle of modern life. If this seems fine and comes naturally for you then count yourself blessed. Even so, it’s both wise and fun to ensure you schedule at least some time each month for just having fun with family and friends and whatever else truly catches your fancy. Humans are social creatures so don’t underestimate the healing power of simply spending time chatting with friends or enjoying some activity. It’s manna for the soul.

  4. PRACTICALITY - oh, that stuff. Well, yeah. Having a roof over you and your family’s head is important too. So, PART of health is ensuring that the OTHER areas of life are flowing along smoothly too. This means that you should have some sense of where you are at in terms of work, career and goals. Do try to develop a short-term and longer-term plan for achieving some worthwhile objectives. A sense of accomplishment—having set a goal, worked towards it and then achieved it—is an essential underpinning of mental health. Life needs to have meaning and if you can feel like you are making some steady progress despite the wayward weather at times then you are likely on track both with your pocketbook and heart.

  5. MENTAL CLARITY - once you have a good start in the previous four areas then really you can gain the most by working to develop your mind. There are lots of ways to do this: you can learn meditation or a stress-reduction technique; you might try a qigong class (pronounced “chee” as in cheese, and “gong” as in gong [ring the bell]). Qi is the Chinese names for what scientists call biological energy. Essentially it is electricity in the body, just like you have electricity in your home. Part of Oriental medicine—and what helps to make it unique—is the goal to regulate this biological electricity. Research shows that doing so helps calm the mind and improve health in many ways. There are many other possibilities for bringing some more focus, vision, peace and alertness to your mind. All these qualities help and do indeed lead to better health. Try to find a class—in-person or online—that teaches some approach to mental improvement. If you stay with it long enough, you will truly be glad you did!

Guru Warms Up in Preparation for March Fireworks Next Year

Guru Warms Up in Preparation for March Fireworks Next Year

The ever-resourceful planet, Jupiter, has scooted along and now begins a five-month transit of Scorpio which culminates in March next year with some major spiritual fireworks that will likely also impact world events. Called Guru in Vedic astrology [Jyotish], this planet represents many of the very best qualities that we all strive and hope for—health, understanding, good luck, prosperity, dharma (doing what is right for a given situation) and wisdom.

To understand the meaning of the time, you need to consider both the planet and its location. So, what about Scorpio? Called, Vrishchika in Jyotish (what a mouthful!), its symbol, the scorpion, indicates some potential for trouble here. But, this sign leads a dual life as it also indicates healers and doctors, inner growth, transformation, inheritance and the occult. Scorpio can serve as a bridge from a narrow and exclusive focus on worldly pursuits to a broader perspective which brings in higher values such as care for the greater community.

The trick to this all hinges on how Guru and Vrishchika play together. Are they friends … or enemies … or simply strangers passing in the night? Although the sign itself is stressful for just about everybody and everything, the sign’s lords (owners) like Guru (in some ways) so the next handful of months can truly become a time for positive change. It really depends upon you.

The key choice you need to make? Whatever you do and wherever the winds take you, bring in a sense of the Guru energy. That is, do what you have to do and want to do but aim to ask yourself regularly: how does this fit into the greater scheme of things?

If you can activate the Guru qualities of wisdom (seeing how all the parts fit together) and healing (caring for both yourself and your charges but also the greater community and other folks too—in whatever small or large way you can), then the rest of this year and into next spring should go pretty well for you.

Fix What's on Top — the First Step in Spiritual Qigong

Fix What's on Top — the First Step in Spiritual Qigong

The whole sphere and orbit of Neidan yoga circles about standard practices of energy medicine—especially traditional Chinese approaches such as acupuncture, medical qigong and Daoist alchemy. Other important sources of guidance include Ayurveda, shamanic work, and modern tools such as body-centered and object relations psychotherapy, cranial osteopathy and visceral manipulation. Rounding out the lineup, we have the time-honored traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and Hindu Yoga, both of which have incredibly rich insights and techniques for inner and outer transformation.

When a client shows up at the clinic door, the first thing to address is “what’s up?” That is: “what do you want some help with?” Health and fortune along with the sun and weather simply come and go so what’s important now may not be so later. Nevertheless, it IS important now. In medicine, we call this an acute condition. Acute simply means the situation is on top—it needs attention now. So, the symptoms a client reports as the problem or goal may or may not be the real cause of the situation. The first goal in treatment therefore aims to patch up whatever needs fixing while at the same time seeking to better understand the deeper more relevant reasons for the situation. Although there are many situations where what’s wrong can be clearly identified and appropriate therapy commenced straight-away—say, the patient has a sprained ankle—it just ain’t so for the deeper work of living and growing spiritually.

Spiritual Practice as Energy Medicine

Spiritual Practice as Energy Medicine

Without a doubt, when viewed with a dispassionate and clear eye, serious advance on the spiritual path inexorably drags one into a prolonged dance with forces much greater than simple everyday human existence. Mind-blowing to say the least, this would be completely intolerable to head and heart if not for a saving grace: we are all—each and every one of us—made of the same fundamental building blocks—brick and mortar—as all else whether it be nature itself or peaceful and wrathful deities or some advanced alien race or whatever else mind and dream can conjure up. In short, although all that a person values may be transient and subject to negotiation, the bedrock of sādhana (sincere, focused and consistent spiritual practice) stands firm enough for true spiritual transformation to occur.

Interested in Spiritual Awareness? You Should Practice Qigong!

Interested in Spiritual Awareness? You Should Practice Qigong!

Good day, Folks. Happy late summer and early fall to you!

Every yogic or mystical tradition has its own armory of techniques and practices but at bottom there are really only a few tools needed for genuine progress along the spiritual path. Of these, you are most likely already covering the bases (if in doubt, you can check the Level 1 Foundations page accessible via the Neidan Yoga menu item).

However, although all approaches make use of energy in some format, not all acknowledge or explain how to use energy in its most basic form as qi. You can think of energy as a spectrum — like a rainbow. At the upper levels, it is similar to what the yogis call prana. At even subtler levels it is energy that mingles with the mind so thought itself can direct this force. But all this cool stuff does no one any good at all until she or he is advanced along the path. 

To get advanced, you have to work with energy in the form of biological electricity in and just around the body. This is what the Daoists have referred to as qi for thousands of years. By far, the Daoists have the clearest, cleanest and most effective approach to developing this energy from beginning levels up through intermediate level skills and even further on. Once you're at an intermediate level though, you can jump ship back to your favorite tradition (Hindu yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, etc.) as all yoga systems are great at explaining advanced practice (with some personal tutoring from a guru or mentor).

Bottom line? Learn and practice qigong. Start anywhere but then work towards learning more refined skills as taught by genuine Daoist teachers. Bagua Zhang circle walking to an intermediate level plus learning to sense and direct qi with your hands is sufficient to prepare you for success with advanced meditation. It's the truth. 

The Path to Light - Yoga model

The Path to Light - Yoga model

Introduction to the yoga model for developing higher consciousness. Ultimately, yoga and meditation stand as the most complete medicine for all aspects of life. A discussion of integrative energy medicine including yoga, Jyotish astrology, eastern medicines (Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, etc) and western medicines (conventional and more holistic approaches such as integrative functional medicine). Each of these represents a specialization for treading part of the spiritual path. Success in yoga, and in life, requires facility with all these tools for growth and well-being. For further information, you can check out our websites at: https://jyotishandyoga.com and https://inspiredvedicastrology.com.

The spiritual practice of yoga seeks to enhance awareness of our connection with others and Life itself. To do so, yogis have to master a field of energetic processes traditionally known as the tattvas (elements). There are a number of tattvas. The most commonly known are: earth, water, fire, air and ether.

Jyotish provides an extraordinarily useful map to these processes and how they interact with each other and the world and its inhabitants. By learning some key ideas from Jyotish, a yogi can gain greater leverage for the spiritual practices that constitute yoga such as pranayama, kriya yoga and meditation.

This series of videos introduces basic yogic and Jyotish ideas needed for spiritual practice and also explains how and what to practice. The discussion starts from the very beginning of the path so no prior knowledge of either Jyotish or yoga is needed although it certainly helps.




Surya (Sun) passes through Vrishabha (Taurus) for the next several weeks so now's a good time to take some first steps towards a new goal or project. Taurus represents fertility both literally and metaphorically and the Sun also links to a higher level of spiritual energy at this time. 


A key to spiritual growth hinges upon developing a clearer sense of who you are and what your deepest values are. Boundaries rule at this time. For instance, stand up for your rights--both with others and with yourself! Bring strong focus toward grounding into your real sense of who you are and what you are on about. Be proud of yourself and your goals. And, be generous and courteous--no matter what. Sticking to your guns and highest values pays off well now.