remedy for guru in lagna (higher self)

A qigong practice based upon your Jyotish birth chart and tailored further to optimize results for the Navamsha (D-9 chart) lagna. This level of practice directly addresses fate and higher spiritual dimensions. It presupposes that you have mastered the customized qigong sets for your Arudha lagna and natal chart lagna first. This corresponds to a level of personal development where your needs related to the most basic and essential life areas such as career, love, health and success have been adequately taken care of. So, you are free enough from inner bondage and demons and desires to genuinely navigate the higher planes of existence, with all the promise and potential for both glory and demise that they hold. This is the beginning of what might be considered to be real spiritual practice (what advanced practitioners strive to achieve).

Want to change your luck or fate? How about changing the luck and fate of your family and friends along with your community and the world at large? At this level it’s possible. Practicing qigong for the Navamsha (D-9 chart) lagna is a powerful and straight-forward way for you to manifest this. All it takes is consistent focus and effort. If you have the time and desire, positive change can happen for you in a remarkably smooth and rapid way.