remedy for lagna (authentic self)

A qigong practice based upon your Jyotish birth chart and tailored further to optimize results for the Udaya (D-1 or natal chart) lagna. This is usually simply called the lagna. It reflects the other half of the battle in this life regarding the most basic and essential life areas such as career, love, health and success. So, together, the AL and lagna offer a way to claim your autonomy and realize your true life purpose and happiness.

Further, the lagna provides a shamanic path for deeper personal and spiritual development. Working at this level will get you to your true heart and authentic self. Without these, any higher psychic and esoteric experiences are simply another form of materialism. That is, without a pure heart and mind, the path through the astral dimensions is fraught with too many temptations and perils. Most folks cop out of the trip to Light and buy into these distractions simply because they don’t have the power and finesse to hold fast to purity, devotion and clarity. Thus, really getting a handle on your heart and authentic self (essential character and purpose) BEFORE taking on the astral worlds is an essential key to succeeding on the spiritual journey.

Want to change your luck or fate? Practicing qigong for the lagna is a powerful and straight-forward way for you to do so. All it takes is consistent focus and effort. If you have the time and desire, positive change can happen for you in a remarkably smooth and rapid way.