Yoga for Enlightenment
Ever wonder how to win the lottery? Thoughtful question. And, as you know, plenty of creative ideas abound. What’s this got to do with yoga, meditation and spiritual growth? Plenty. Too much, in fact. It turns out that the chances of achieving enlightenment as defined in the yogic traditions (Hindu, Tibetan Buddhist, Daoist) makes winning several hundred million dollars (or yuan or euros or whatnot) in the lottery seem like a peaceful stroll through the park—nothing more taxing than going out for a walk and collecting on all the goodies: sunshine, fresh air, blue skies, good friends, good sights and sounds. In contrast, the slog to advanced awareness reeks and finds itself littered with perils, loopholes and impossible tasks. Good luck, getting enlightened!
So, then, how do all those yogis and mystics get so evolved and spiritually aware? The short answer is: they don’t. Compared to where you sit, they’re advanced, for sure. But compared to the benchmark of enlightenment, very few meet the mark. Most progress some distance and then fall by the wayside—either by choice—getting distracted by the endless attractions that drape this cosmos—or by coercion—running out of steam, meeting evil ends and, worst of all, lapsing into ignorance—outright folly or the epitome of hubris: thinking that they’ve arrived at the top.
Still, it’s possible. Some few great souls do achieve the immense presence and purity of truly awakened consciousness. And, to these great souls, we should all listen.
Jyotish Star Map
Here's the winning hand: we humans are not alone in this solar system, much less this galaxy or universe. In fact, the best, scientifically rigorous model for nature asserts—and proves—that our universe is but a small drop in a titanic effervescence of universes—a vast web of universes within universes within even more universes, and on and on—what is called a multiverse.