simple and effective remedies for all of 2024

Hello folks. Happy New Year—may it be a pleasant, healthy and successful year for you. After the travails of 2020 through 2023, you may be wondering “what’s next?” with not just a little concern, or even trepidation. However, be assured that the worst of the cataclysmic impacts from above have now begun to settle down and 2024 bodes well, if we keep a few key ideas in mind and act accordingly throughout the year. First and foremost: Saturn now towers over the rest of the pack and remains the key player who will continue to have the major say as it orchestrates all comings and goings for both worldly and spiritual life.

Aquarius (Kumbha in Jyotish) is the 11th house of the natural zodiac.

Second: the last few years were tough for everyone because Saturn was at odds—and often in outright fisticuffs—with many of the other major planets, such as Ketu, Jupiter and Mars. This year, in contrast, Jupiter transits through Mesha (Aries) and Vrishabha (Taurus) so any short-term altercations happening between Saturn and other planets—all happening in Shani-dev’s own part of town in Kumbha (Aquarius)—will be mitigated due to Jupiter’s return to worldly concerns. It’s grace and power now support ordinary needs and desires. Whew.

Saturn, on the other hands, still holds forth in Aquarius, the 11th house of the natural zodiac, which bodes well especially for the acquisition of spiritual knowledge but also for gains both financially and personally. The natural zodiac represents the deeper, spiritual-level view of the planets and stars (“God’s eye view”). At a worldly level, 11th house energies bring in friends, societies and groups, income of all sorts (financial and other life experiences). At a spiritual level, this corner of the ecliptic represents the Guru’s teachings and is a mother lode for insight and understanding. Metaphorically, Kumbha stands as the foot-hills (the gates or portal) to Pisces (Meena), the next house in the sequence of constellations and the place of Spirit (with a capital S) and enlightenment. Thus, you can rely on Saturn (steadfast, sensible, diligent, persistent, slow but steady, harvest of experiences) in Aquarius (foothills leading to Spirit) to function as a support, which at times may be challenging, but still a true blessing on the road to success in the world and on the path of spiritual growth. Just remember not to be in a hurry: Saturn takes time.

Hence, although there will be some short-term bumps in the road on occasion this year, you can count on the two big biggies (Jupiter and Saturn) to cast a more even-keeled and favorable glance upon the planet and its lively inhabitants. We are fortunate that their teaching lessons from the last three years are now history. Hopefully, many of us have learned some valuable lessons which we can apply going forward into the next handful of years. Hoorah for “school’s out!”

Third: the best strategy for working with the current nexus of astral energy, however, still centers upon cultivating and incorporating a few (2-3) of Saturn’s better attributes into your own personal daily routine. Set a goal to make these qualities a part of your lifestyle. Just read on the web about Saturn and focus on the good qualities you find, such as: patience, care for the underprivileged (ALL the elderly, poor, disenfranchised, social outcasts, defeated and fallen peoples of the world). Other of his better characteristics that are worthy of emulation include: karma yoga (service for others because it’s the right thing to do), steadiness, focus, practicality, as well as being law-abiding, realistic, organized, disciplined and consistent. Lots to choose from, huh? There are even more positive traits you can research and discover, if these don’t sate your appetite.

Fourth: And finally, if you want to include energy (prana, qi, lung) as part of your remedial measures for the year, you can simply use the procedure described below for the year 2020. It still applies in full force and will be even more effective this year. Just click this link, What to Do?, which scrolls down the page a ways to a section that spins out a straight-forward 5-10 minute routine to rub three points on the body (on both sides).

Because these acupoints are linked to Saturn (who, stationed in his own sign of Kumbha, feels more at home and wields many of his most positive qualities this year) and Guru (Jupiter, the great healer), this protocol still wholly applies for 2024. These two primeval forces are no longer conjunct but they remain closely linked in purpose so the 2020 protocol is apt and on the mark (Jupiter is in Aries [the throne of the world] for the entire year). Here you are: a wholesome remedy that works. Try it for a month and see for yourself.

useful and easy energy remedy for the year 2020

The most important astral influences for the remainder of year 2020

Your birth (natal) chart portrays those energy patterns that join you for the ride throughout life. However, each year, other forces can come into play depending upon the current positions of the planets about the sun and their relation to your natal chart. For instance, Śanī (Shani or Saturn) presently passes through the sign of Capricorn. This will affect the same signs for everyone but the houses will be different for each person depending upon what her or his lagna (ascendant) was at birth.

For instance, at the moment, Saturn has a full—and potent—gaze upon the constellation of Pisces. This applies for everyone but which house Pisces represents will vary. If you have an ascendant of Aries, then Shani gazes at your 12th house (the road to marriage, sleep, expenses, losses, the subconscious mind, spirituality) but if you have an ascendant of, say, Sagittarius, then Shani focuses intently upon your 4th house (happiness, love, affection, mother, basic education, property, vehicles).

Here are some highlights for the second half of this year:

The most important—and apparent—influences for this year.

The deeper, esoteric meaning of the astral and planetary influences for this year.

The main eclipses for the year. These will add extra energy and potential turbulence to the main factors guiding the show from above.

What to Do?

Traditional approaches such as meditation, fasting, donation, prayer and puja (religious ceremony) can certainly help. If your lifestyle includes such measures then “steady as she goes” is the watchword. Just keep doing what you are already doing. However, if you haven’t incorporated techniques such as these yet, or you would like to soup up your results for even better outcomes, then you can try out and explore the following remedy. Based upon energy medicine, Jyotish and yoga, it rocks!

Qigong for the main archetypes influencing events during the second half of 2020.

Secret esoteric treatments for the main planetary influences this year.

The key acupuncture points to use for treatment of the transiting planets during 2020.

Well, here you go. There is always more but this simple ten minute routine can craft wonders for your improved good fortune, health, happiness and success during the second half of this year. Hard science—both accepted western science and traditional esoteric science—stands behind this seemingly innocent bit of tapping and jiggling. Higher currents of energy knit these acupoints together so they can fashion their magic—much like a troop of marionettes dance sprightly to the tenuous and elusive tugs of their puppeteers. Try to incorporate this into a daily routine for three weeks (at least 5 days each week) and check the results for yourself. You will likely be quite glad you did!

Interested in learning more? Here’s a webinar that discusses the main planetary influences for 2020 and how the planets map to elements (such as fire, water and earth) and to chakras. With this basic understanding you can achieve stellar gains for both your personal and spiritual goals. The latter part of the video includes a terrific guided meditation based upon the heart and throat chakras (related to the two key planets affecting us all at this time). If you like the material, please pass it along. The more folks that have these tools for positive change, the better.